Guess what – your kids are wanted! Good news, right? It’s always nice to be wanted.
Republican elites want your kids – to be worker bees in the American economic machine. Hey, at least they’d be working! But, Democrats want them too – as dependent voters to expand their power base. Sure, they’ll get lots of free stuff, but is anything really free?
Ultimately, regardless of who’s in control, the government really, really, really wants your kids. With few exceptions, governments have always been like that. It’s no surprise that Adolph Hitler once said, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
Republicans, Democrats and governments don’t have your kids’ best interest at heart. Nobody does, except their parents. That’s one reason why God’s original plan, for mothers and fathers to raise their own children, has worked so well for millennia. But, for reasons beyond the scope of this article, society wants to toss all that out like a can of expired tuna.
Consequently, these days government and society have managed to make good parenting by actual parents more and more difficult. Oh, parents may still live with their kids, maybe have a catch or eat a bagged fast food dinner in front of the TV “together” once in a while, but the real influence is no longer being wielded by most parents.
No, the real influence lies with popular culture, public education, the media, government … you name it. The kids do inevitably grow up, biologically at least. They are “raised” by someone, just not the people who love them the most. Then they go out into the real world and begin the cycle again with their own children. If you think young people can’t think for themselves now, just wait a generation or two!
So, in a world where everything is seemingly stacked against parents who want to raise their children with discipline, integrity, values, and a faith-based worldview, how can parents even begin to turn the tide? Here are a few good places to start.
Read the rest over at TheBlaze!
Great Article! I am happy to see your first piece of advice is to take your kids out of public school. Almost thirteen years ago, when my husband and I decided our children would be home-schooled, we were met with A LOT of resistance. We are part of a program in which all the public school materials and curricula are available to us. I have checked out some of the materials over the years, and am shocked to see how much of it is filled with what I consider social propaganda. I see hard science altered to support political agendas. And don’t get me started about the watered-down, VERY loosely-based-on-facts History. This is why we buy private-based curriculum. It seems that our public schools have become just another part of the political machine to propagandize our children. A close relative, who was insulted by our choice, has since become an elementary school teacher in Illinois. She has to teach common core. She now understands why we home-school. I haven’t even touched on the standard of morals kids learn in public school! Parents, don’t be afraid to home-school! It’s not all roses all the time, but it is so rewarding!
Thanks for the comment, Brijette – great points! 🙂