My wife is a lucky gal. After all, she’s married to the guy who knows everything (that’s what she tells me anyway, and I assume it’s a compliment!). Yep, that’s me. I’ve apparently been a ‘know it all’ since my momma put my crib next to a dresser. To hear Mom tell the story, I scared her to death – but hey, what are four walls and a Winnie the Pooh mobile when you can have freedom (and a knot on the head, but that’s beside the point!).
Well, I don’t REALLY know everything (hey, don’t act so surprised!), but we guys sometimes tend to ACT like we do. That is, for a good portion of us anyway, at least until we’ve been married for a few weeks. However, hard as it may be to believe, there are some men who refuse to learn from experience (or much of anything else, for that matter). Some of us, instead of looking to Christ for a role model, look to the likes of Al Bundy instead.
Read the rest here!