If there’s anything today’s powers-that-be hate, it’s self-sufficiency. They want you to be a cog in a machine, doing your part (whether that’s paying most of your income in taxes or drawing a check) to advance their socialist agenda, yet doing nothing to stand on your own two feet. By the actions of many municipalities across this once-great land, one would think such things as growing a garden or raising a few backyard chickens were akin to parking a couple of school buses and an old Ford Pinto on your front lawn. By the statements and actions of Big Medical, one would think that refusing a flu shot or avoiding or even seeking to spread out vaccines for one’s children are morally the same as a Biblical leper walking into the camp and shaking a few hands without shouting “unclean!” The system always seeks to demonize practices that are not in their best interests.
But in the end, it’s far more than that, isn’t it? Taking steps, any steps, toward taking responsibility for your own health and your own survival is, in itself, resistance, rebellion, against a system that ultimately wants you dependent on it for your every need.
Here are a few ‘acts of rebellion’ the powers-that-be do NOT want you to take… which means, of course, that you should take them as quickly as possible!
1.) Grow your own garden
Grow one tomato for yourself and examine the ripple effects – Not only do you keep the money that you would have spent on that tomato, including the ability to spend that money on even more ways to make you self-sufficient, but you also don’t have to pay taxes on that tomato, nor do you have to pay for gasoline and gasoline taxes to drive to the store that day. Further, by growing and eating your own, you avoid all the pesticides and herbicides sprayed on that commercially grown tomato you would have bought. A foreign nation doesn’t get to export that tomato, nor do the trucking companies have to waste however many gallons of fuel to haul it across the continent to your grocery store.
Apply that logic to any act of personal self-sufficiency, and you begin to understand its power and why the system seems to be so afraid of it.
2.) Filter your water
Since fluoride is a proven neurotoxin that has been linked to reduced IQ, and yet cities all over the nation doggedly insist on buying aluminum and fertilizer industry waste and dumping it in our water, clearly the powers-that-be want the populace as dumbed down as possible. It’s a win-win – slowly poison the population with fluoride while pretending it’s ‘good for teeth,’ and save the aluminum and fertilizer industry money by actually paying for a ‘product’ that those companies would have to spend a fortune to safely dispose of.
Properly filtering your water will not only remove the arsenic, lead, and other toxins prevalent in tap water, but will get rid of the fluoride as well. Then you can use those brain cells to think of ways to restore liberty in this country!
3.) Become food-wise
Take a look on the back of a random package of processed food in your pantry. Research each ingredient, then decide if GMOs, high fructose corn syrup, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, carmine, cellulose, and many others are something you really want to put in your body.
Always read the labels when shopping. If the ingredient list reads like a chemistry book, put it back and stick to the outside aisles. Become food-wise! The fewer toxins you voluntarily put into your body, the more effectively it can deal with the unavoidable toxins we face every day. That’s a real punch in the gut for a system that seems to thrive on making and keeping people sick!
4.) Don’t take the vaccines
Maybe there is good science behind the concept of introducing small amounts of pathogens to build immunity to the ‘real thing’ but, sadly, it’s a moot point considering the toxic preservatives and adjuvants that come with vaccines. Notwithstanding the immediate long and short-term side effects and allergic reactions many experience, is the cumulative buildup of aluminum, mercury, and a host of other trouble-makers in the body really worth possibly avoiding a few mostly non-lethal childhood diseases, most of which were on their way out with the advent of modern sanitation? Further, is the risk of a yearly flu shot (and all the toxic cumulative buildup) worth the pitiful possibility that they just might ‘get it right’ one time and keep you from getting the flu for a season?
5.) Become a ‘prepper’
Prepping is ‘all the rage’ these days, at least insofar as government and media demonization go. Those darned preppers who don’t ‘trust the government’ are seemingly America’s greatest threat, right behind al-CIAda and the League of Dark Ninjas. From some of the loony caricatures on shows like Doomsday Preppers and the media concocting a virtual ‘Preppers Behaving Badly’ show out of every crazed criminal with remote ‘survivalist’ tendencies, to the government actually profiling preppers in internal law-enforcement reports, every effort is being made to portray anyone who wants to prepare their families for the inevitable hard times to come as crazed wackos.
So, quite obviously, prepping is something we should all do!
It’s all about taking responsibility for our own health and survival instead of relying so much on a system that doesn’t have our best interests at heart. Whether it’s storing extra food, avoiding toxins, naturally improving your health, planting a few tomatoes in an upside down container on your back porch, growing sprouts, planting a few grapevines along your fence, or growing a full-fledged garden along with a few chickens for good measure, any action you can take to do something, anything, for yourself instead of relying on the system is, in this day and age, an act of resistance.
And isn’t resistance, ultimately, what we need to turn this thing around?
Amen to this article!! As a homeschooling Mom, I have been subject to unkind comments and treated as a leper in some circles. We “buck the system” by doing this, I suppose, and some are not ashamed to tell me this. We also do not vaccinate our children, and that has brought even nastier offenses in our direction. Many times we have been told (yelled at), “It’s YOUR kids that are going to make MY kids sick!!” Sadly, some of this is even from my own family. The kid’s doctor,after having him as our children’s pediatrician for 10 years, dropped our kids as patients because we will not vaccinate. Many people, on the other hand, applaud us for these things and say they wish they had the courage to make these choices for their own kids. Unfortunately, many people are led to believe they don’t have a choice when they really do. We use natural home remeies for sicknesses and sickness prevention. I have been laughed at and ridiculed for this by many people, even though my home remedies work better and without the many side effects of modern medicine. After all, what’s wrong with just going to the doctor and getting some pills? I cook from scratch with real friuts, vegetables, and other real foods, and am told, “You worry too much!” even though the proof is that our kids are RARELY sick.
It’s too bad that when you try to talk to people and say the things you say in this article, you are labeled a “whacko”, “extremist”, or a “conspiracy theorist”. I applaud you for writing this and having the courage to say what so many need to hear and take into consideration. I thank God for people like you who confirm our way of life, and lend support for us “non-conformists” out here!!! I am proud to be a rebel!!
(I hate to admit it, but- Sometimes I even feel a bit smug when someone who once ridiculed me calls and says, “I am so miserable and this medicine is not working! What was that you were telling me to do for a sore throat?”)
Long live the crazed whackos!!!!!!
Great comment, Brijette – love it!! You really hit the nail on the head. The same applies to your affirmation and encouragement of us – thank you!! 🙂
Wow. What a great response. I am with you and support everything you said. Keep up the good work.