The founders of our Republic understood the fact that government is a necessary evil, the unimpeded growth of which always leads to human suffering on a mass scale. Thinking of not only themselves but their posterity, they bound government with the ‘chains’ of the Constitution, for the first time in history codifying into law rights that had always been understood by right-thinking people as God-given. Their thoughts were that if these rights were written into law they could not be taken away by evil people who inevitably get into and use government to trample the individual liberties of those with whom they disagree, dislike, or otherwise want to harm.
The Second Amendment is perhaps the best example of this. The right to defend oneself is rooted in Common Law, the foundation of which is as old as mankind, given by the Creator of the universe Himself. If we can’t defend ourselves and others against attack, we have no rights at all. This right is not only a basic fundamental human one, but a pillar of society. It’s no wonder that those who would destroy our culture and way of life, those who seem to hate the values and freedoms that made our country great, are the very ones who most vehemently attack the second amendment and, since the two are inexorably linked, the very freedom to defend oneself from those who would do us harm.
For example, when there is a mass shooting that fits the preferred propaganda profile, it is blown out of proportion by media and liberal politicians with agendas that have absolutely nothing to do with actually saving lives. By the ear-piercing level of mass hysteria surrounding them, one would think that such mass shootings occur every day on every street corner in every city in America, and yet the numbers bear out that if one is to die by gunshot (itself a very low probability), odds are very low that it will resemble the ones we hear about incessantly on the news.
Their ‘solution’ to the problem is always focused on ‘gun control.’ Remove the guns, they theorize, and nobody will get shot. Like the communists who had their own dreams of utopia, what might work in a perfect, imaginary world where one could snap a finger and have ALL guns disappear, could never work in the real world where only the law-abiding obey gun laws. Those of us on the freedom side of the gun debate understand several, blindingly obvious facts. They are as follows:
1.) Cain didn’t need a gun to kill Abel. Remove guns as a means to kill people, and people will find other ways.
2.) Disarm the law-abiding and only the criminals will have guns. Criminals don’t care what the law is. That’s why they are criminals!
3.) For every crime committed with a gun, many more are stopped by law-abiding gun owners.
4.) Crime drops in states that allow conceal-carry. Across the board, more guns usually equals less crime (except, of course, when our government ships guns to Mexican drug cartels).
5.) Crime, including gun crime, is highest in states that are strict on guns and gun carry.
6.) A disarmed populace is easy prey not only for criminals, but for criminal governments as well. An armed populace is a deterrent to government tyranny, oppression, and mass-murder.
Too often conservatives will paint liberals as wrong but ‘well-intentioned.’ It is time we stopped mincing words. Any sane person who truly researches and understands this issue and these undeniable facts, yet remains on the ‘gun control’ side of the debate, especially globalists and politicians who actively work to enact ‘duty to retreat’ laws, gun bans, and other measures to crack down on the fundamental human right of self-defense, any such person is far from well-intentioned.
They are the kind of people who would send a homeowner to jail for shooting a knife or gun-wielding burglar. They would punish a rape victim for bludgeoning or shooting her rapist in the act. They pass laws in places like England, New Zealand, Canada, New York, and Chicago that make it difficult and even criminal for ordinary folks to defend themselves against predators. They would deny me the ability to protect my wife and my kids in the place where I should be the safest, my own home.
In sum, they are evil. There is no such animal as a ‘well-intentioned gun grabber.’ The sooner we realize this, the more effective we will be at thwarting their attempts at enacting the kind of murderous tyranny they would have us all live in, the kind of tyranny they created in Russia in 1917.
The 2nd Amendment is the teeth of the 1st! As long as we have a well armed and diligent public, we can speak, protest and preach as we please. NO gun control is acceptable to a man with principles who ever wishes to expound them to other human beings. Make no mistake. When the ability to resist oppression is erased, the depravity of our government will manifest itself fully!
well said!
As someone who grew up around guns and learned how to use them properly, I cannot understand (and I really do try) how anyone could feel more safe without access to firearms for personal and family protection. Whether protecting from a criminal who has no respect for “gun control” laws or from a government who would overstep its bounds, my right to gun ownership gives me a prominent voice against either/both of those evils.
On a similar note, it is often those who are ignorant of firearms who are most afraid of them. I would encourage anyone to seek out PROFESSIONAL training in the proper care and use of a gun. I have taken courses at TAC2 right here in East TN ( and Front Sight ( in Nevada. Both provide top-notch education and training. My point is this: if you’re against guns, be able to explain why you are against them (without using false statistics and angry attempts to take away my rights) and I will respect your right to non-ownership. If you’re for gun ownership (and especially gun carry), PROVE to me you are competent and serious about the responsibility to use a gun and I will respect your right to ownership and use of a weapon if the situation dictates.
Good advice Barry!
Guns don’t kill people, bullets do. Why not make a bullet that only will maim its target?